This March 21, consider what you can do to fight racism – every day.
In 1966, the UN General Assembly proclaimed March 21 as the International Day for Elimination of Racial Discrimination (IDERD). This date emerged recognizing the killing of 69 people at a peaceful anti-apartheid demonstration in Sharpeville, South Africa by police in 1960.
This year’s official theme is the International Decade for People of African Descent.
In addition to this year’s thematic spotlight, we’re also putting a spotlight on xenophobia and racism that has surfaced through the COVID-19 pandemic.
Explore Your Bias
Take the Implicit Association Test (IAT) and explore your biases, implicit preferences and stereotypes.
Take Action Everyday
How to Fight Racism Using Science, The Observer, January 26, 2020
Research says there are ways to reduce racial bias. Calling people racist isn’t one of them, Vox, July 30, 2018
10 Ways to Fight Hate: A Community Response Guide, Southern Poverty Law Center, August 14, 2017
8 Everyday Ways to Fight Racism, National Network to End Domestic Violence, March 21, 2017
How to Stop the Racist in You, Greater Good Magazine, July 27, 2016
The 8 R’s of Talking About Race: How to Have Meaningful Conversations, Net Impact, June 18, 2015
10 Simple Ways White People Can Step Up to Fight Everyday Racism, Mic, September 4, 2014
Take Action Against Racism, Carleton University
Get Involved
Colour Connected Against Racism
An AMS resource group that provides support and information to students who feel alienated and disempowered due to discrimination, they organize events on issues pertaining to ‘Peoples of Colour’, and lobby to implement necessary institutional changes.
Student Services – Race and Ethnicity
Learn about race and ethnicity programs and initiatives on campus, take positive action or find support and assistance.
The Phil Lind Initiative: Thinking While Black, UBC School of Public Policy and Global Affairs, YouTube recordings, 2020
Exposing Anti-Black Racism in Vancouver event recap, The Ubyssey, February 7, 2020
Fight Racism and Stigma Amid COVID-19
Explore resources to address
- Social Stigma Associated with COVID-19, UNICEF
- Reducing Stigma, Centre for Disease Control
- When a virus is the cause, racism is often the symptom, UBC News, February 25, 2020
- The other problematic outbreak, The Atlantic, March 13, 2020
- As coronavirus spreads, so does xenophobia and anti-Asian racism, TIME, March 6, 2020
- Why Asians in masks should not be the “face” of the coronavirus,, March 6, 2020
- When xenophobia spreads like a virus, NPR, March 4, 2020
What we can learn from the collective trauma of these uncertain times, Time Higher Education, March 17, 2020
Selective xenophobia: What COVID-19 is teaching us about who we target when it comes to racism, CTV News, March 11, 2020
How to stop the spread of racism during the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak, Fast Company, March 6, 2020
How to Fight Racism Through Inner Work, Greater Good Managzine, September 25, 2019
Protection of Racial/Ethnic Minority Populations During and Influenza Pandemic, American Journal of Public Health, September 20, 2011
#coronavirussyllabus, A crowd-sourced cross-disciplinary resource
Statement Against Discrimination and Xenophobia, Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants
Explore Additional Resources
UN International Day for Elimination of Racial Discrimination
Official UN IDERD site with background and updates
UN – Let’s Fight Racism!
How to fight racism, real life stories, populations deemed vulnerable, suggestions for educators
Stand Up 4 Human Rights – #FIGHTracism
Information about hate speech, how to take action, resources
UN International Decade for People of African Descent 2015-2024
Decade-long campaign to recognize, promote, and protect the right to equality and non-discrimination
Key Public Health Resources for Anti-Racism Action, National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health, February 2018
Fight against racism and discrimination: toolkit for municipalities in Canada, UNESCO, March 19, 2012
Anti-Racism & Diversity Trainers: Core Competencies and Leading Training Practices, BC Ministry of Citizens’ Services, June 9, 2010
Campus Tool-Kit for Combatting Racism, Canadian Federation of Students
Canada’s Anti-Racism Strategy – List of supporting resource materials, Government of Canada
Anti-Racism, Alberta Civil Liberties Research Centre