Consider this when choosing your Halloween costume

The Halloween party season is just around the corner and many students at UBC are planning their costumes. The Equity and Inclusion Office would like students to consider their costume choices and to remind everyone:


Read: When Halloween costumes cross the line, with UBC Faculty of Education professor Mona Gleason.

It is important to consider your choices before you dress up and be aware of the hurtful racist or sexist stereotypes that are sometimes portrayed in costumes. For whatever reason, this is the one time of year when it is often perceived to be OK to be blatantly and unabashedly racist, and in many cases sexist. Racist and sexist stereotypes aren’t funny, and culture, ethnicity, and race shouldn’t be considered as costumes.

Learn more about cultural appropriation and inclusive language at our next workshop. October 28 12:00-1:00pm in UNC 334. Presented by Equity and Inclusion Office and S.A.R.A (Sexual Assault and Rape Awareness). Register here

Everyone can do their part to create a respectful environment at UBC. We encourage you to share the information widely on social media and with your clubs, fraternities, sororities, residences and classrooms.

Best wishes for a safe and respectful Halloween.

The Equity and Inclusion Office