In 2007, two teens in Nova Scotia organized a school-wide protest by distributing pink shirts after a male student was bullied for wearing pink on the first day of school. Through a simple act of solidarity, the rest of his classmates effectively silenced the bullies and made their school a welcoming space for everyone.
At UBC, students, staff and faculty strive to provide welcoming and respectful working, learning and living environments.
On Wednesday, February 22, 2017 wear pink and join the UBC community in working together to take a stand against bullying, and challenge gender stereotypes, homophobia, transphobia and other forms of discrimination. Make this a respectful place to learn, work, and play. Join the conversation with #pinkshirtday to show your support for an end to all forms of bullying and harassment.
The Respectful Environment statement of principle:
The best possible environment for working, learning and living is one in which respect, civility, diversity, opportunity and inclusion are valued. Everyone at the University of British Columbia is expected to conduct themselves in a manner that upholds these principles in all communications and interactions with fellow UBC community members and the public in all University-related settings.