In April 2022, the Anti-Racism and Inclusive Excellence Task Force (ARIE TF) released 54 recommendations aimed at addressing the many forms of systemic racism at UBC.
Now, as we enter 2023, Executive Sponsors will reaffirm UBC’s commitment to anti-racism and inclusive excellence, Task Force leaders will highlight key priorities, and the new Associate Vice-President, Equity & Inclusion (AVPEI), will discuss next steps for action and accountability. Dr. Arig al Shaibah, will introduce the emerging Strategic Equity and Anti-Racism (StEAR) Framework and Roadmap for Change, which will guide UBC’s implementation efforts.
Join students, faculty and staff from faculties and portfolios across UBC Okanagan and UBC Vancouver in this virtual forum to recognize the work of the ARIE TF, learn about key recommendations from the ARIE TF Final Report and find out about next steps for implementation of UBC’s equity and anti-racism commitments.
You can access the slide deck here.
If you have difficulties joining the Zoom webinar, please join the webcast below.
*This event will be recorded.
- Dr. Deborah Buszard, UBC President
- Dr. Shirley Chau, ARIE Task Force Co-Chair
- Dr. Handel K. Wright, ARIE Task Force Co-Chair
- ARIE Task Force Committees:
- Dr. Ryuko Kubota, Faculty Committee Chair
- Dr. Maryam Nabavi, Staff Committee Chair
- Binta Sesay and William Shelling, Student Committee Co-Chairs
- Dr. Donna Kurtz, Indigenous Committee
- Lerato Chondoma, Black Committee
- Dr. Dixon Sookraj, People of Colour Committee
- Dr. Ainsley Carry, Vice-President, Students
- Dr. Rehan Sadiq, Provost and Vice-President, Academic
- Dr. Arig al Shaibah, Associate Vice-President, Equity and Inclusion
- Dr. Jannik Haruo Eikenaar, Associate Provost, Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Anti-Racism
What to expect
- Hear from members of UBC’s leadership on the university’s anti-racism commitments and current anti-racism initiatives
- Learn about key recommendations surfaced by the Student, Faculty, Staff, Indigenous, Blackness, and People of Color committees of the ARIE Task Force
- Learn about next steps for implementing the recommendations from the ARIE TF Final Report through the Strategic Equity and Anti-Racism (StEAR) Framework
- Share your questions and comments in a UBC-wide forum (these will be collected for future response)
Who can join
All UBC community members are welcome, including students, faculty and staff across the Vancouver and Okanagan campuses.
Event lead
Dr. Arig al Shaibah
Associate Vice-President, Equity and Inclusion